Sunday, March 30, 2014


I meant to post this quite a while ago. I was going through my pictures and realized I never used these so I figured I would share them with you.
The currant intake setup I have on the hummer is great during the summer but not so grate during the winter. As the rain was drawing near I inspected the hummer to make sure I wouldn't have and problems with water getting inside. That was when I noticed that the intake was exposed through the upper grill on the hood. I didn't want water to get in motor so I put a garbage bag over it and looked for another style intake. I found one on eBay for a gas Chevy 350 motor. I welded a bolt on top of the EGR valve (since it will never be hooked up), filed a bit off of the new intake installed it and  sealed the connection with grey high temp silicone. The new setup puts the intake in the path of  fresh air but out of the way of the rain.