Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The return of ole blue

Thomas noticed he had brake fluid leaking on the rear passenger wheel of ole blue. We pulled the wheel and sure enough the seal on the brake piston had a tear and was dispersing brake fluid when the brakes were applied. Being that its a major p.i.a to get 1976 Cadillac Eldorado calipers we decided to go with the chevy calipers I picked up for my next Humvee build. First I cleaned up the caliper bodies by grinding off all of the rough lines left from the casting process. After that it was the usual primer and paint. We installed one after unfortunately having to grind a bunch of material off surrounding the brake line port. We finally got every thing installed and tested the brakes. We bled them like normal but when pressure was applied via brake pedal the piston would not open!!! (these are brand new ) and to make maters worse it also started leaking brake fluid. We decides to go back to a caddy caliper. After visiting every automotive store in town and the surrounding towns the best answer we got was we could special order one and wait 7 business days for it to ship... I ended up finding one on eBay for $50, it is suppose to be here by the weekend. So Thomas's truck has been in my driveway on jack-stands for a better part of a week now. Hopefully we can resolve this soon.